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Why some people have same length finger: What your hands say

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 03-06-2020
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Why some people have same length finger: What your hands sayWhy some people have same length finger: What your hands say
Why some people have same length finger: What your hands say, why some people have same length finger,  what your hands say,  why are kate fingers all the same length,  kate,  study,  ifairer
If you have a ring finger longer than your index finger, you're a born sportsman - or woman, as Zara Tindall proves. This is seen as a typical 'masculine hand', the result of exposure to high levels of testosterone in the womb. Zara has the trait along with Prince Andrew and his former wife Fergie. So does sporty Pippa, who has taken part in gruelling ski races and ultra-marathons.

People with long ring fingers compared to their index fingers are also more likely to take risks, according to Canadian research, with a 'work hard, play hard' attitude. Number-crunching and problem-solving comes easily. They're also more likely to be an extrovert - and wealthy.
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why some people have same length finger, what your hands say, why are kate fingers all the same length, kate, study, ifairer

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