WHO: Smoking Can Increase Risk of COVID-19
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 28-03-2020
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According to Dr. Pranita Saikia, Senior Microbiologist, GNRC Hospital said "In the fight against corona, we all seem to have missed out one point. COVID-19 is essentially a type of flue, which attacks lungs. Besides elderly and children the groups of people who are potential victims of COVID-19 are the smokers. Continuous smoking gradually reduces the lung function by deposition of carbon particles in the lung tissues and reduces the elasticity. Further leads to less ciliary movements and accumulation of mucous in the lobules. Also smoking shows adverse impact on phagocytosis (the process by which a cell engulfs and destroy viruses or bacteria). Novel coronavirus is more contagious so easily smokers may be infected. Why to stop cigarette smoking only for 2-3 months. Why not ban cigarettes completely". Advocate Ajoy Hazarika, Secretary, Consumers’ Legal Protection Forum, Assam said the whole world is fighting against COVID-19 and the States are taking significant preventive measures to curb the impact. Some of the States like Uttar Pradesh has banned the selling of tobacco products as it can indirectly spread the infection by spitting and smoking by infected people. On March 18, the district administration of Thane, Maharashtra, banned the sale of tobacco products along with shutting down of units selling or serving them to strengthen preventive measures to curve coronavirus. We demand Government of Assam to take the same initiative and pass an order to ban the selling of tobacco products in the State.