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What women really want during intimacy

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 14-09-2023
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What women really want during intimacy
What women really want during intimacy, what women want really during intimacy,  sex & advice,  sex,  love life,  intimacy,  relationship tips
Every person wants to enjoy the moment of loving each other. The women are god's that creature who thinks a lot about all this things. They want to enjoy fully  when they are with their spouse. Women are having various desires from their men and they want them to fulfill it. Here are some of the things which actually women wants from their partner during sex-


Women want their men to kiss the entire part of their body including the most sensitive and private parts.

Horny nature
Women like aggressive nature of the men. Women didn't simply want their men to be more aggressive they wanted to, on occasion, be the aggressor.
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what women want really during intimacy, sex & advice, sex, love life, intimacy, relationship tips

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