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What makes man a cheater

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 02-12-2019
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What makes man a cheaterWhat makes man a cheater
What makes man a cheater, what makes man a cheater,  reasons why men cheat,  the truth about why men cheat,  dating tips,  relationships,  ifairer
Cheating men report boredom led to the affair
Some men may find the routine of a married life to be tedious and dull. These men find it easier to shift dominance or primacy to another relationship and feel the spark outside to be a thrilling option; instead of finding ways of charging their marriage. It becomes present moment for gratification versus the hard job that they will have to do in their marriage to resolve an issue. The extra-marital relationship provides them with a readymade and fresh experience, which is appealing enough to take the risk.
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what makes man a cheater, reasons why men cheat, the truth about why men cheat, dating tips, relationships, ifairer

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