Big stomach The stomach indicates digestion. A big stomach like that of Lord Ganesha can digest a lot of things, rather everything. A manager should be able to digest any kind of news good or bad. Whether it is objections, disappointments or hardships, digest all resentments and hatred and move ahead until the goal is achieved.
Hands Lord Ganesha's hands has something to signify. While the left hand has a modak, the right hand is raised to bless. It implies a give and take relation. Lord Ganesha, who loves modak takes modak from his devotees and in turn bless them. Management has to learn to give while they expect outcomes from their sub-ordinates/employees, only then will it succeed.
Small feet The small feet of Lord Ganesh, which supports his large body, leaves him with no choice but to be firmly grounded to avoid tumbling or falling. The management (often a small team of professionals) has a large responsibility of handling all the stakeholders of the Company (the large body), and to do this the management has to be very firm with its decisions and policies. Any leniency or relaxation can become the reason for downfall.
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Party Animal ''I had just started a new job and was trying to impress everyone. I was making great headway with my bosses. Working late, doing extra work, finishing before my deadline and being one hundred percent available.. Read More...