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What are the birthstones for 12 Zodiac

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 01-08-2020
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What are the birthstones for 12 ZodiacWhat are the birthstones for 12 Zodiac
What are the birthstones for 12 Zodiac, what are the birthstones for each zodiac,  birthstones that suits to your zodiac sign,  birthstones by zodiac sign,   birthstones,  zodiac sign,  astrology,  ifairer
Cancer: Ruby
People born between June 21 and July 22 come under the astrological sign of Cancer. The sign of the crab marks this fourth sign of zodiac and the ruling planet is Mercury. According to astrological calculations, Ruby happens to be the birthstone which can offer effective guidance towards the nature, relationships and financial matters in the life of the individual. It is basically the colour of the stone along with the associated properties and crystalline structure that believed to be the impacting factor.
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