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What are the birthstones for 12 Zodiac

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 01-08-2020
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What are the birthstones for 12 ZodiacWhat are the birthstones for 12 Zodiac
What are the birthstones for 12 Zodiac, what are the birthstones for each zodiac,  birthstones that suits to your zodiac sign,  birthstones by zodiac sign,   birthstones,  zodiac sign,  astrology,  ifairer
Gemini: Pearl
Gemini or the sign of the twins is the third astrological sign. It is also known as Mithun as per Hindu Rashichakra. People who are born between May 21 and June 20 fall under this zodiac symbol. The ruling planet of the Gemini is Mercury and Pearl is the birthstone. It can render a great impact on the personality of the wearer along with his relationships and financial matters in life.
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