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Wedding superstitions: The surprising truths behind that

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 20-04-2018
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Wedding superstitions: The surprising truths behind thatWedding superstitions: The surprising truths behind that
Wedding superstitions: The surprising truths behind that, wedding superstitions,  the surprising truths behind that,  wedding superstitions,  wedding traditions,   marriage superstitions,  truths behind common wedding superstitions,  interesting indian wedding beliefs and superstitions,  spirituality,  ifairer
Wearing a veil
This custom traces its roots back to Rome. Fearing evil spirits were jealous of her happiness, the bride would wear a veil down the aisle to disguise herself from them and avoid any ill will they would bring upon her.
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wedding superstitions, the surprising truths behind that, wedding superstitions, wedding traditions, marriage superstitions, truths behind common wedding superstitions, interesting indian wedding beliefs and superstitions, spirituality, ifairer

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