Ways to Treat Acne Naturally
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 30-09-2021
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Brown Sugar Scrub In the shower, once your skin is damp
(and your pores have been opened up by the heat), scrub the acne
problem areas with brown sugar. This will clean out dirt, dead skin
cells and oil clogging your pores and soften your skin as well. The next
day, you will see a noticeable change in your acne and your skin will
be silky smooth. If you really want to get the most out of this scrub,
apply a toner after you get out of the shower to truly clean out
everything in your pores. Use this scrub only 2-3 times per month
though, because it dramatically opens and cleans your pores. If you
overuse it, your body may begin to overproduce oil and your acne could
get worse.