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Ways to Treat Acne Naturally

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 30-09-2021
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Ways to Treat Acne Naturally Ways to Treat Acne Naturally
Ways to Treat Acne Naturally , ways to treat acne naturally,  beauty
Lemon Juice as Toner Lemon works as a toner like apple cider vinegar and rubbing alcohol, but because it is so acidic, it can’t be left on your face for very long. Apply lemon juice to your face as a toner, and wash off after 15 minutes. In just 15 minutes, it will dramatically clean off the dirt, oil and dead skin on your face. Don’t use this one too often though.It’s a very strong treatment and because of that, your skin could become very sensitive to it if overused. It’s an extreme treatment for severe acne, so only use when necessary.
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