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Unknown facts about dreams

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 05-03-2024
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Unknown facts about dreams
Unknown facts about dreams , unknown facts about dreams,  why dreams get scary,  weird truth about dreams,  know strange world of dreams,  ifairer
Dreams are inexplicable part of life. Some dreams elate you while sometimes you get terrified due to them.  Several times you see unimaginable part of life in these dreams. You may be amused after knowing various interesting facts about dreams. 

Sleep paralysis:- There are people who suffer from sleep paralysis.  This happens due to nightmares. The dreamer becomes unable to make any physical movement.  This phenomenon occurs due to mechanism in brain.

Different genders, different dreams:-
The dreams of man and woman differ from one another. Most of the characters of man are men while woman see both men and women in equal number. Men have strong emotions in their dreams.
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unknown facts about dreams, why dreams get scary, weird truth about dreams, know strange world of dreams, ifairer

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