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Truths behind common wedding superstitions that will surprise you

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 10-08-2019
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Truths behind common wedding superstitions that will surprise youTruths behind common wedding superstitions that will surprise you
Truths behind common wedding superstitions that will surprise you, truths behind common wedding superstitions that will surprise you,  wedding superstitions you can totally ignore,  wedding traditions and superstitions,  marriage superstitions,  spirituality,  astrology,  ifairer
Spill the milk
It is believed that during the time of wedding, family members must be careful while boiling milk. It is said that spilling of milk before or after the big day signals some pending misfortune.

Breaking glass
In Italy, many newlyweds smash a vase or glass at their wedding. According to tradition, however many pieces the glassware breaks into will symbolize how many years the couple will be happily married.

Kaleere fall
In the north Indian customs, brides wear chooda on which her family members and friends tie kaleerein (red and golden ornaments). After this, the bride moves her hand over the head of the unmarried girls (or boys sometimes). It is said that if kaleerein falls on someone's head, then that girl will be next in the line to get married.

Throwing Rice at the Bride and Groom
People shower their wishes and blessings with rice on the bride and groom. It's a symbol of fertility and abundance. In some cultures, it is believed that this practice protects the newly wedded couples from evil spirits.
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truths behind common wedding superstitions that will surprise you, wedding superstitions you can totally ignore, wedding traditions and superstitions, marriage superstitions, spirituality, astrology, ifairer

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