Today's Google Doodle: The untold story of first Indian female physician
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 22-11-2017
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Google Doodle, the search giant on Wednesday celebrated the 153rd birth anniversary of Rukhmabai. The lady in the picture is Rukhmabai Raut, one of the first practicing women doctors in India under the British rule. The Google doodle is dedicated to the woman, who is also credited for the enactment of the Age of Consent Act, which raised the age of consent for sexual intercourse for all females. She also fought against child marriage and for rights of women.
Rukhmabai was born in Bombay in 1864, to a woman who had herself suffered because of the custom of child marriage. She was married off at the age of eleven to a nineteen-year-old groom Dadaji Bhikaji Raut.
Married off at the age of 11, she refused to go the house of her in-laws, and stayed with her mother and step father. Rukhmabai continued to stay with her mother and step-father even after marriage. Seven years later, Dadaji moved court seeking it to order his wife to live with him. Rukhmabai refused to move in with her husband stating that a woman cannot be compelled to stay in a wedlock when she is not interested. Her decision was supported by her step-father who helped her fight the case in court. The Dadaji vs. Rukhmabai case that went on for three years triggered a debate in both England and India. The verdict went in favour of Dadaji. The court ordered Rukhmabai to live with her husband or face six months imprisonment. A brave Rukhmabai said she was willing to opt the latter.