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SUGAR not FAT is your heart's real Enemy!

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 06-03-2014
Heart It
SUGAR not FAT is your heartSUGAR not FAT is your heart
SUGAR not FAT is your heart's real Enemy! , health,  health research,  scientist,  sugar and carbohydrates,  sugar kills,  sugar is bad for heart,  heart disease,  heart's enemy
Evidence shows a low-carbohydrate diet -- as opposed to a low-fat diet -- actually improves cholesterol. However, he believed that processed foods should still be avoided.

British experts last year claimed that faulty interpretation of scientific studies had perpetuated a myth that a high-fat diet is bad for the heart. People were advised to reduce fat intake to 30 per cent of total energy and saturated fat intake to 10 per cent. However, research now fails to show a link between saturated fat intake and risk of cardiovascular disease, with saturated fat actually found to be protective.

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Tags :
health, health research, scientist, sugar and carbohydrates, sugar kills, sugar is bad for heart, heart disease, heart's enemy

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