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Study: Having Sex With 10 Or More People Ups Cancer Risk

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 15-02-2020
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Study: Having Sex With 10 Or More People Ups Cancer Risk
Study: Having Sex With 10 Or More People Ups Cancer Risk, study,  having sex with 10 or more people ups cancer risk,  sex,  cancer,  relationship,  research,  ifairer
Having sex with 10 or more partners over a lifetime inked to a heightened risk of being diagnosed with cancer, according to a study. The research, published in the journal BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, found that among women, a higher number of sexual partners is also linked to heightened odds of reporting a limiting long term health condition. For the findings, the research team at Anglia Ruskin University in the UK, drew on information gathered for the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), a nationally representative tracking study of older adults (50+) living in England.

In 2012-13, participants were asked how many sexual partners they have had. Complete data were provided by 5,722 of the 7,079 people who responded to this question: 2,537 men and 3,185 women. Responses were categorised as 0-1; 2-4; 5-9; and 10 or more sexual partners.

The average age of participants was 64, and almost three out of four were married. Some 28.5 percent of men said they have had zero to one sexual partners to date; 29 percent said they had had two to four; one in five (20 percent) reported five to nine; while 22 percent reported 10 or more. The equivalent figures for women were: just under 41 percent; 35.5 percent; just under 16 percent; and just under eight percent.

In both sexes, a higher number of sexual partners was associated with younger age, single status, and being in the highest or lowest brackets of household wealth. Those who reported a higher tally of sexual partners were also more likely to smoke, drink frequently, and do more vigorous physical activity on a weekly basis.

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study, having sex with 10 or more people ups cancer risk, sex, cancer, relationship, research, ifairer

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