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Study: Divorce has a negative impact on physical and mental health

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 03-12-2020
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Study: Divorce has a negative impact on physical and mental health
Study: Divorce has a negative impact on physical and mental health , study,  divorce has a negative impact on physical and mental health,  divorce,  physical health,  mental health,  ifairer
Divorcees reported worse outcomes immediately after their divorce in every major box, with the largest gap in mental health. Stress, like that caused by divorce, has been previously linked to worse overall health, triggering weaker immune systems, worse cardiovascular health, poor sleep quality, and heightened anxiety and depression.

The nature of a divorce also appears to determines what toll it takes on a person's health. Less conflict during the divorce led to better physical and mental health for divorcees compared to couples with higher rates of conflict. "Across gender, higher levels of divorce conflict were found to predict worse mental health, even when accounting for other socio-demographic variables and divorce characteristics," Sander said.

Source: businessinsider.in
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study, divorce has a negative impact on physical and mental health, divorce, physical health, mental health, ifairer

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