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Stop lower back pain with regular muscle exercises

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 08-01-2016
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Stop lower back pain with regular muscle exercisesStop lower back pain with regular muscle exercises
Stop lower back pain with regular muscle exercises, stop lower back pain with regular muscle exercises,  how heal stop lower back pain with regular muscle exercises,  health tips,  health care,  fitness & exercise,  ifairer
A new study, published in the journal Cochrane Library, finds that  exercises that improve coordination of muscles that support and control the spine offer a strategy to reduce pain and disability caused by lower back pain. A serious of exercises can actually help you fight stiffness, tension and even soreness. "Targeting the strength and coordination of muscles that support the spine through motor control exercise offers an alternative approach to treating lower back pain," said lead author Bruno Saragiotto from The University of Sydney, Australia.
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