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SIGNS you should GO for an EYES check up!!

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 17-12-2013
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SIGNS you should GO for an EYES check up!!
SIGNS you should GO for an EYES check up!! , 10 signs,  10 signs that indicate you need to take an eye exam,  go for a eye checkup,  eye checkup,  health and beauty,  health tips
9. Water coming from eyes
If you often find your eyes filled with water without any sad or happy emotion, it means there is some problem with your eyes. Our eyes generally get watery when we either feel very emotional or are sad about something. So crying without reason also calls for an eye check up.

10. If you haven't had an eye check up in last two years
If you have not visited your optician in the last two years, it is time to do so. Severe changes take place in our eyes in duration of more than 2 years and should be closely monitored by an expert optician for sound health of your eyes.
SIGNS you should GO for an EYES check up!! Previous
Tags :
10 signs, 10 signs that indicate you need to take an eye exam, go for a eye checkup, eye checkup, health and beauty, health tips

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