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Significance of giving water to Sun

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 31-05-2023
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Significance of giving water to SunSignificance of giving water to Sun
Significance of giving water to Sun, significance of giving water to sun,  procedure of giving water to surya,  importance and procedure of giving water to surya,  significance of giving water to surya,  mythological significance of offering water to the sun,  astrology,  spirituality,  ifairer
Start reciting this mantra when you start pouring the water 'Om Ghrinim Surya Adityamu'

Please pour the water with such a speed that before the water finishes you should have already recited the mantra for at least 11 times.
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significance of giving water to sun, procedure of giving water to surya, importance and procedure of giving water to surya, significance of giving water to surya, mythological significance of offering water to the sun, astrology, spirituality, ifairer

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