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Remove Manglik Dosh with the help of Rudraksha

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 02-10-2020
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Remove Manglik Dosh with the help of Rudraksha
Remove Manglik Dosh with the help of Rudraksha, remove manglik dosh with the help of rudraksha,  effect of rudraksha for mangliks,  mangal dosh puja,  mangal dosha remedies,  mangal dosha,  manglik,  mars remedies,  spirituality,  astrology,  ifairer
Rudraksh is a very holy thing and it is said to be the part of Lord Shiva. Rudraksh is formed by association of two words,'RUDRA'and 'AKSHA'. Rudra is the name of Lord Shiva. Aksha means 'tear'. It is said that the plant of Rudraksh is originated from the tear drops of Lord Shiva. It is vey good remedy for Mangliks. Lets have a look on it-

For the rectification of Mangal Dosha Nivarana Mala is made with the combination of 6 beads of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha and a Siddha Mangal Yantra in between. This mala with the Siddha Mangal Yantra is sanctified and must be worn by the individual who want fast and effective results and happiness.

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remove manglik dosh with the help of rudraksha, effect of rudraksha for mangliks, mangal dosh puja, mangal dosha remedies, mangal dosha, manglik, mars remedies, spirituality, astrology, ifairer

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