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Recipe: Chocolate Burfi

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 01-11-2014
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Recipe: Chocolate Burfi
Recipe: Chocolate Burfi , recipe chocolate burfi,  chocolate burfi,  how to make chocolate burfi,  how to prepare chocolate burfi,  recipe,  chocolate burfi recipe,  tea time recipes,  ifairer
Divide the mixture into two parts. Add two teaspoons of cocoa powder to one part and mix well. Transfer the cocoa mixture onto a greased six-by-eight-inch aluminium tray and spread it evenly. Leave to cool to room temperature and set.

Spread the remaining khoya mixture on top of the chocolate layer and spread it evenly. Set aside to cool. Cut into twenty squares or diamonds and serve with the chocolate layer on top. Makes 20 pieces/400 grams

Preparation Time: 16-20 minutes
Cooking time: 26-30 minutes
Servings: 4
Recipe: Chocolate BurfiPrevious
Tags :
recipe chocolate burfi, chocolate burfi, how to make chocolate burfi, how to prepare chocolate burfi, recipe, chocolate burfi recipe, tea time recipes, ifairer

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