Know the channeling of your POWER CHAKRAS!!
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 03-12-2013
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The fifth chakra, located in the throat region, is governed by Mercury, the planet representing all forms of communication and Chiron, the planet representing the mentor/teacher archetype. It is through the fifth chakra that we develop personal expression and the ability to create our own reality.
Healing the fifth chakra is imperative if we want to open to the intuitive awareness that comes from the sixth and seventh chakras. If the fifth chakra is blocked we may be overly mental and not open to the subtle intuitive information that is constantly being channeled through the higher centers.
In terms of healing modalities, singing is one of the best methods for opening the fifth chakra. Since many people with fifth chakra blockages have literally "lost their voice", the greatest way to reclaim our voice is to vibrate it with sound! Chanting sacred mantras such as OM is also beneficial as OM is seen as the fundamental, or primordial sound of the universe.