Know the channeling of your POWER CHAKRAS!!
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 03-12-2013
Heart It

The third chakra, located at the solar plexus or "hara" is the seat of our personal power. Mars, the planet associated with personal will and Pluto, the planet associated with collective will, are the co-rulers of the third chakra. The issues of the third chakra have to do with power, control, trusting our gut level instincts, and our sense of personal empowerment.
Music can be a particularly powerful medium for opening the third chakra as it is a non-verbal form of communication that by-passes the cognitive mind and directly impacts our deepest emotions. Many people who feel they have to control their emotions find themselves being moved to tears by evocative music. Finding music that moves you, whether emotionally or physically is a way of accessing the deeper emotions of anger, grief and rage that are often trapped in the third chakra.