Is it OK to date more than one person at a time
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 30-01-2019
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When you are dating two persons at once, you have to understand, it's all about dating. Dating more than one guy at a time is definitely a confidence booster, but it's also hard work. Dating many people might be one of the best ways to find the one person you are really looking to find. Here are 7 amazing ideas to date more than one person at a time.
Realize it's not exclusive
The first and foremost rule that you should follow when you are dating two persons at once is that it should not be exclusive with either persons. You never want to promise one partner that you are going to be faithful to him/her, while you are dating another person.
Be honest
But only if you have been asked straight-up about your intentions, feelings, or any of that dumb goopy stuff. If someone wants to know if you are seeing other people, you should be as honest as possible. If you were any sort of decent human being.
Be safe
While I am not saying that dating includes sex, sometimes it might and if you find that you are having sex with both partnerss (which may or may not be a good thing for you), you always want to be safe and again be honest. You don't want to promise yourself to one person while you might be doing another perso