Ira Trivedi talks about fitness amid lockdown: Everybody has 20 minutes to spare
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 14-05-2020
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You can stay fit even in lockdown is what Ira Trivedi wants to tell people, making sure her fitness mantras - mainly yoga asanas - reach those stuck at home amid the ongoing pandemic. Trivedi recently put together India's first virtual wellness festival called 'Being Yoga' that saw the participation of spiritual stalwarts, YouTube influencers and other big names in the health and wellness space.
In an interview yoga instructor talks about her love for fitness, what it takes to stay in shape, and how virtual yoga and wellness is here to stay:-
-It is of crucial importance to me, especially during lockdown. If the body feels good, the mind will feel good. It's a simple fact. In Ira Yoga Wellness (of which she's a founder), we offer four virtual classes a day, all seven days of the week. I make sure to attend one of these classes daily, no matter what. Online classes are great. They help maintain discipline of the body as well as of the mind. It's so simple…you switch on your computer and you have a class.
-I also go for a 20-minute run in the evening, or for a long walk. I like to do all my phone-calls while I am walking.
-Everyone has 20 minutes to exercise. Twenty minutes is hardly anything at all. I would say, try and get into the habit of doing something physical. And begin with something simple. If you have to make calls for work, do it as you walk around the house. If you have a small house, you can do something easy, like some jumping jacks, or some mountain climbers - easy, simple things that don't take up space.
-Beginners should learn two things - two breathing practices: Kapalbhati and Anilom Vilom, and the Surya Namaskar.
-Start the day with 10 minutes of meditation. Make sure you do not look at the phone.