Inspirational books that can change your life
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 16-02-2019
Heart It

The inspiration to do good can come from a variety of sources - both expected and unexpected, intentional and unintentional. Here is a list of inspirational books you should read.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma
Your "I CAN" is more imporant than your IQ.
This wonderful story told as a fable includes simple but effective lessons for improving your life. It tells the story of an attorney who finds himself on a life changing odyssey, and is worded in a way you are unlikely to forget. This absolute gem of a book is enlightening, enjoyable, and profound as well as inspirational.
Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
Don't let go too soon, but don't hold on too long.
A beautiful and life affirming nonfiction novel which recounts the story and teachings of a dying man as told to a former student in his final weeks. This inspirational book and memoir covers the conversations between the two men and Morrie's thoughts and philosophy on life. This book makes you reflect on what is important in life and can provide you with a whole new perspective on everyday encounters.
Chicken Soup for the Soul - Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
Don't worry about failures, worry about the changes you miss when you don't even try.
Now a series of inspirational books, Chicken Soup for the Soul is a brilliant collection of inspirational stories for the dark times in your life. Brought to you by two of America's best loved inspirational speakers; heartwarming and motivational stories don't get much better than this.