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Indian Army Recruitment 2019: Jobs announced for female candidates also, apply for 189 posts

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 28-07-2019
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Indian Army Recruitment 2019: Jobs announced for female candidates also, apply for 189 posts
Indian Army Recruitment 2019: Jobs announced for female candidates also, apply for 189 posts
, indian army recruitment 2019,  jobs announced for female candidates also,  apply for 189 posts,  indian army recruitment,  govt jobs,  govt jobs for women,  career advice,  ifairer
Indian Army has invited applications from eligible unmarried male and unmarried female engineering graduates and also from widows of defence personnel who died in harness for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC). Course will commence in April 2020 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai (Tamil Nadu). All the candidates are requested to apply through the prescribed format on or before August 22 on the official website, the link for which is joinindianarmy.nic.in

Indian Army Recruitment 2019: Vacancy details
Total posts: 189
Name of the post:

SSC (Tech): 175 Men
SSC (Tech): 14 Women
Widows of Defence Personnel only:
SSCW (Non Tech): 1 post
SSCW (Tech): 1 post

Eligibly criteria
-Candidates who have passed the requisite engineering degree course or are in the final year of engineering degree course are eligible to apply.
-Candidates studying in the final year of engineering degree course should be able to submit proof of passing by 01 Apr 2020 and produce the engineering degree certificate within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
-Such candidates will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at Officers Training Academy (OTA) as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay and allowances paid.

Indian Army Recruitment 2019: Jobs announced for female candidates also, apply for 189 posts
Tags :
indian army recruitment 2019, jobs announced for female candidates also, apply for 189 posts, indian army recruitment, govt jobs, govt jobs for women, career advice, ifairer

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