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How you deal with a breakup according to your Zodiac sign

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 28-05-2019
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How you deal with a breakup according to your Zodiac signHow you deal with a breakup according to your Zodiac sign
How you deal with a breakup according to your Zodiac sign, how you deal with a breakup according to your zodiac sign,  zodiac signs reaction on break-up,  how each astrology sign handles a breakup,  how you handle breakups based on your zodiac sign,  breakups and the zodiac signs,  zodiac,  astrology
If a serious relationship begins to deteriorate, it may take Capricorn a long time to make the decision to finally leave. They have a strong sense of responsibility to their partner, so they will keep trying and working out things until they have reached a breaking point. Once a Capricorn realizes they have made a mistake settling with someone, then the parting will be abrupt and final, and no amount of pleas from their partner will be accepted. If the lover leaves them, they will try to patch things up before accepting defeat. In any case, they will quickly get back up by deciding to focus on themselves.

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how you deal with a breakup according to your zodiac sign, zodiac signs reaction on break-up, how each astrology sign handles a breakup, how you handle breakups based on your zodiac sign, breakups and the zodiac signs, zodiac, astrology

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