How to help your friend to cope with a breakup pain
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 14-09-2018
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Relationship breakups are a common part of the human experience, but this doesn't diminish the fact that they can be emotionally taxing. There is no definitive time that this grieving process lasts everyone has a different level of resilience but it's essential to encourage a friend to use healthy coping techniques to deal with a breakup. Here are some ways to help your friend-
Emotional Support
Friends need emotional support when they have just experienced a breakup.Giving advice is not always necessary; your friend may just need you to provide her with a listening ear. Support your friend no matter how long it takes her to grieve, healing takes as long as it takes. Be a patience listener.
Your friend may need a bit of encouragement if she's not confident that she can find a new romantic partner. If your friend becomes discouraged about future romantic relationships, remind her that she's worthy of a healthy relationship and that she will find a new partner when the time is right. Encourage her to focus on processing any hurt or angry feelings, and to continuously view herself in a positive light. Also, encourage her to engage in hobbies and activities that distract her from over-thinking her future, bringing her happiness in the present.