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105 vacancies for the posts of Civil Judges in Rajasthan

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 02-05-2015
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105 vacancies for the posts of Civil Judges in Rajasthan105 vacancies for the posts of Civil Judges in Rajasthan
105 vacancies for the posts of Civil Judges in Rajasthan, high court of rajasthan recruitment for 105 posts,  the high court of rajasthan has notified recruitment for the posts of civil judge,  career advice,  career,  ifairer
Selection procedure
The candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the competitive exam. This exam is divided into three stages:

Preliminary examination
Main examination

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Tags :
high court of rajasthan recruitment for 105 posts, the high court of rajasthan has notified recruitment for the posts of civil judge, career advice, career, ifairer

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