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Here are 20 most useful computer shortcuts we should know

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 06-04-2019
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Here are 20 most useful computer shortcuts we should knowHere are 20 most useful computer shortcuts we should know
Here are 20 most useful computer shortcuts we should know, most useful computer shortcuts we should know,  easy time saving computer shortcuts,  computer computer,  easy computer shortcuts,  technology,  gadgets,  ifairer
Make your computer make a beeping sound every time you press the numeric keys with Left Alt+Left Shift and Enter.
While using VLC use J and K to resync the audio backward and forward. Use H and G to delay and speed up the subtitles on the player.
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most useful computer shortcuts we should know, easy time saving computer shortcuts, computer computer, easy computer shortcuts, technology, gadgets, ifairer

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