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Get Back Into Shape After Pregnancy

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 20-07-2017
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Get Back Into Shape After PregnancyGet Back Into Shape After Pregnancy
Get Back Into Shape After Pregnancy, get back into shape after pregnancy,  how to weight loss after pregnancy,  tips for how to lose the baby weight,  healthy weight loss after birth,  losing weight after pregnancy,  ways to get back into shape after giving birth,  lose weight,  ifairer
Get some sleep
It may seem impossible to get a full eight hours of sleep when you have a baby summoning you like clockwork throughout the night, but being sleep deprived could make it harder for you to shed the baby weight. In one study, new moms who slept five hours or less a night were more likely to hold onto their extra pregnancy weight than women who slept seven hours. When you are tired, your body releases cortisol and other stress hormones that can promote weight gain.

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get back into shape after pregnancy, how to weight loss after pregnancy, tips for how to lose the baby weight, healthy weight loss after birth, losing weight after pregnancy, ways to get back into shape after giving birth, lose weight, ifairer

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