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Fruit custard recipe

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 03-05-2016
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Fruit custard is a simple, tasty, and relatively healthy dessert option.

1 apple, 1 orange, 1 cup of cubed, ripe pineapple, 5-6 dates, 1/2 cup of cubed, ripe mangoes (if in season), 1 small banana, 1/4 cup of glazed cherries, 1/4 cup of chopped cashew nuts, 1/4 cup water, 2 tbsp sugar

For Custard Sauce
2 cups of milk, 3 tbsp of vanilla custard powder, 3 tbsp of sugar

How to make

Add the custard powder to 1/4 cup milk, mix well, and set aside. Bring the rest of the milk to boil and add sugar. Slowly add the custard mixture and continue to cook until thick - about 5-7 mins. Remove from fire, cool completely, and refrigerate. Cook the 1/4 cup water + 2 tbsp sugar for about 3-4 mins until the syrup thickens a bit. It doesn't need to be one-string, etc.

Remove from heat and set aside. Chop the pineapple into small cubes and shred the dates into small pieces. Add these to the hot syrup, mix well, cool completely, and refrigerate. An hour before you need to serve the fruit custard, cut the other fruits into small pieces, cube the cherries, chop the nuts and add to the pineapple-date mixture. Mix well and refrigerate until you need toserve. To serve: add 1/2 cup of the fruit salad to a bowl and top off with 1/2 cup chilled custard sauce.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Serves 6 Recipe
Tags :
fruit custard recipe, recipe, recipe for fruit custard, fruit custard, how to make fruit custard, dessert recipe fruit custard, desserts, recipes, ifairer

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