Parineeti Chopra in casual look Parineeti as usual rocks her look, this time in checkered full-sleeve top and three-fourth palazzo pants. The maroon checkered top is fantastic and soon can be included in the shopping wishlist of many. It is cool and trendy. We love the way she has teamed the pleated olive-green palazzo pants with the tucked-in maroon top. The golden brooch cuts the monotone of the top while it is devoid of any kind of designs on it. Her black and beige pump heels could have been a bit simple, especially without the beige involvement in the picture. A total black pair of wedges could have made the look perfect. The best part of Parineeti's look is her hair. She styled her hair with a braid pinned like a hair-band and allowed the rest of the hair to fall open. Looks like a chirpy character of a princess out of a fairytale book. She looks absolutely fresh without any jewellery as the top was covering her neck and wrists. Her makeup was pretty transparent with a little eyeshadow and eye liner for her eyes and a pink hue for her lips.
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