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Extremely rare animals on Earth that people would be lucky to see once

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 15-03-2023
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Extremely rare animals on Earth that people would be lucky to see onceExtremely rare animals on Earth that people would be lucky to see once
Extremely rare animals on Earth that people would be lucky to see once, extremely rare animals on earth that people would be lucky to see once,  world rarest animals,  rarest animals of the world,  rare animals that may be extinct soon,  rarest animals on the planet,  ifairer
Blue lobster
This genetic mutation which turns lobsters bright blue only happens to one in a million, and is due to higher than normal levels of protein.

Common sawfish
Part of the ray family, these sea creatures are found in tropical and subtropical coastal regions, but are no longer abundant in numbers.

Twin vervets
Only one pair of vervet twins has ever knowingly been born and survived, pictured here at the Monkeyland sanctuary in South Africa. This species of monkey is relatively widespread in Southern and East Africa, but twins are extremely rare.

Four-eyed turtle

These little chaps, which hail from various parts of China and Vietnam, are on the steep decline thanks to a high demand for their shells.
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extremely rare animals on earth that people would be lucky to see once, world rarest animals, rarest animals of the world, rare animals that may be extinct soon, rarest animals on the planet, ifairer

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