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Duties God Assigned to Each of the Zodiac

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 14-08-2018
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Duties God Assigned to Each of the Zodiac Duties God Assigned to Each of the Zodiac
Duties God Assigned to Each of the Zodiac , duties god assigned to each of the zodiac,  this is what god said to each zodiac,  this is what god said to each of the zodiac signs,  god assigning duties to each zodiac sign is best,  zodiac sign,  ifairer
Capricorn... Responsibility
Capricorn, I proudly ask the toil of your brow, that you might teach people to work. Yes, and Capricorn, your task is not an easy one, for you will feel all of humankind`s labors on your shoulders; but the yoke of your burdens contains the Responsibility of your Brothers and Sisters, which I put into your hand. And then Capricorn stepped back into his place.
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duties god assigned to each of the zodiac, this is what god said to each zodiac, this is what god said to each of the zodiac signs, god assigning duties to each zodiac sign is best, zodiac sign, ifairer

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