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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Walk down your hallway

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 19-11-2013
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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Be patientDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Begin your journey
DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Walk down your hallway, astrology, zodiac predictions
Take each step down that hallway with purpose. See your feet touch the ground, visualizing every aspect of your journey as you approach the large door--the smell of the room, the sounds of your environment, the color of the light, even the "smell" of your surroundings.

When you finally reach the end--when you feel you are ready and not a moment before--take hold of the doorknob. See yourself doing it, feeling the texture of the knob, and the sound of the mechanism as you turn it. When the bolt is disengaged, take a breath, and give the door a gentle push.
DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Begin your journeyPreviousDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Be patientNext
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astrology,zodiac predictions

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