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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Begin your journey

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 19-11-2013
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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Walk down your hallwayDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Prepare yourself
DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Begin your journey, astrology, zodiac predictions
Imagine yourself in a long hallway, with a large door at the end. See this hallway in as much detail as you can, whatever comes to mind.

Your hallway may be all gold and filigree, or Gothic like a cathedral, entirely constructed from gemstones, or a forest floor with a bower of branches arching over you--the choice is yours.
Whatever hallway you construct in your mind, use it each time you seek a past life. Imagine this hallway with the expectation that when you get to the end, when you reach the big door and turn the knob, you will discover a past life.
DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Prepare yourselfPreviousDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Walk down your hallwayNext
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astrology,zodiac predictions

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