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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Accept what you see

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 19-11-2013
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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Return to the presentDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Be patient
DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Accept what you see, astrology, zodiac predictions
It will seem like you are inventing these images. Sometimes you are, and you must accept that as part of the process of trying to remember a past life.

These visions almost always have a shred of truth at their core. You will only know for certain when you've done a significant number of past-life meditations, and you begin to see patterns and details repeated over and over again.
In the meantime, you must choose to believe that what you see is genuine; if you don't, you will never get anywhere. Your analytical mind will simply shoot down every image as a product of your overeager imagination.
DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Be patientPreviousDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Return to the presentNext
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astrology,zodiac predictions

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