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BROKEN heart can cause 8 major disease..

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 16-03-2021
Heart It
BROKEN heart can cause 8 major disease..
BROKEN heart can cause 8 major disease.., you really can die of a broken heart,  broken heart,  broken heart disease,  heart failure,  stroke,  heart fail,  health,  health tips,  health research,  health,  body defenses,  common cold,  cancer,  hair loss,  head ache,  flu,  colds and flu,  asthma,  high blood pressure,  
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The loss of a loved one may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, the version of the disease that usually appears in middle age.

A Danish study in 2005 showed mothers who had lost a child in the previous 18 years were 41 per cent more likely to end up being treated in hospital for diabetes than mothers who had not.

Scientists believe chronic high levels of cortisol damage the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin -- the substance which controls blood sugar.

Complications of type 2 diabetes can be serious and include poor circulation, sight loss, heart or kidney disease and miscarriage.
BROKEN heart can cause 8 major disease..Previous
Tags :
you really can die of a broken heart, broken heart, broken heart disease, heart failure, stroke, heart fail, health, health tips, health research, health, body defenses, common cold, cancer, hair loss, head ache, flu, colds and flu, asthma, high blood pressure, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, health and beauty

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