Be emotionally flexible to save the romance in life
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 30-11-2020
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The meta-analysis added to the findings of Rogge's earlier work in which, he and a team tested the effects of couples' watching movies together and talking about the films afterward. That study found that an inexpensive, fun, and relatively simple watch-and-talk approach can be just as effective as other more intensive therapist-led methods more than halving the divorce or separation rate from 24 to 11 per cent after the first three years of marriage.
"The results suggest that husbands and wives have a pretty good sense of what they might be doing right and wrong in their relationships," Rogge said about the earlier study. "You might not need to teach them a whole lot of skills to cut the divorce rate. You might just need to get them to think about how they are currently behaving. And for five movies to give us a benefit over three years that is awesome."
Watching and discussing movies with your partner that feature onscreen couples can have a positive effect on your relationship.