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Artist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst Emptiness

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 19-10-2016
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Artist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst EmptinessArtist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst Emptiness
Artist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst Emptiness, artist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst emptiness,  artist paints huge portraits of women on crumbling buildings around the world to highlight the fleeting nature of beauty,  portraits of women on crumbling buildings,  amazing painting,  ifairer
The exhibition is loosely based around the theme of 'hidden beauty' and includes several canvases as well as a series of interrelated photographs, the first time Rone has used this as a medium.
Artist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst EmptinessPreviousArtist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst EmptinessNext
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artist paints heartbreaking portraits of women crumbling amidst emptiness, artist paints huge portraits of women on crumbling buildings around the world to highlight the fleeting nature of beauty, portraits of women on crumbling buildings, amazing painting, ifairer

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