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Art of Attraction: Getting her obsessed with you

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 07-08-2018
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Art of Attraction: Getting her obsessed with youArt of Attraction: Getting her obsessed with you
Art of Attraction: Getting her obsessed with you, art of attraction,  getting her obsessed with you,  ways to make her go crazy with lust,  how to make any girl go crazy over you,  dating tips,  relationships tips,  ifairer
Change your profile picture
If your current photo shows you flashing your best smile into the camera, delete it immediately; studies show that, though guys are most attracted to photos of smiling girls, girls are the least attracted to photos of smiling men.

Be a romantic pal
This is the best way to get a woman in. Women can be emotional and this is what makes this trick work better than others. Get her emotions focused on you. Write poetry for her, she is going to love it. Women love it when men appreciate their beauty and jot down their feelings in a pattern.
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art of attraction, getting her obsessed with you, ways to make her go crazy with lust, how to make any girl go crazy over you, dating tips, relationships tips, ifairer

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