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After SEX SELFIE: the next level of selfie

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 01-04-2014
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After SEX SELFIE: the next level of selfie
 After SEX SELFIE: the next level of selfie
After SEX SELFIE: the next level of selfie
 , relationships,  family,  friends,  love & romance,  dating tips,  selfie craze,  selfie craze among people,  selfie mania,  selfie,  selfie craze on social media,  next level of selfie,  after sex selfie,  instragram selfies,  #aftersex selfie,
'Platforms like Facebook have been around for several years, so expectations on how it should be used have been gradually established.

'We’re coming into new faze when early adopters are more sensitive to the norm conditions of new platforms, but the problem with a widening base of users is that people coming to platforms now aren’t aware of the risks of oversharing.'

Other popular hashtags which have been the subject of public scrutiny include the self explanatory 'Selfies with Homeless People', and #funeral, in which posters take selfies of their faces and outfits, often with sad or somewhat confused facial expressions while tacking the hashtag on the end.

After SEX SELFIE: the next level of selfie
 PreviousAfter SEX SELFIE: the next level of selfie
Tags :
relationships, family, friends, love & romance, dating tips, selfie craze, selfie craze among people, selfie mania, selfie, selfie craze on social media, next level of selfie, after sex selfie, instragram selfies, #aftersex selfie,

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