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9 Most incredible and strangest trees in the world

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 01-12-2020
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9 Most incredible and strangest trees in the world9 Most incredible and strangest trees in the world
9 Most incredible and strangest trees in the world, 9 most incredible and strangest trees in the world,  amazing trees in the world,  most unusual and unique trees around the world,  world most amazing trees,  spectacular trees around the world,  strangest trees from around the world,  ifairer
The Derby Boab Tree in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. According to the book, the Aboriginal people would use the tree as a source of water during the dry season - the book explains that a single mature specimen can hold around 26,000 gallons of water in its spongy wood. It was also used as a final resting place for human skeletal remains and is believed to be about 1,500 years old.
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9 most incredible and strangest trees in the world, amazing trees in the world, most unusual and unique trees around the world, world most amazing trees, spectacular trees around the world, strangest trees from around the world, ifairer

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