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8 Yoga Postures to get rid of dark circles

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 17-01-2020
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8 Yoga Postures to get rid of dark circles
8 Yoga Postures to get rid of dark circles, 8 yoga postures and exercise to get rid of dark circle,  eye exercise,  yoga to brighten your dark circles,  get rid of under-eye dark circles with yoga,  eye exercise to cure from dark circle,  how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes,  yogic postures to remove dark circles,  fitness & exercise,  ifairer
Sit up straight and look down. Slowly inhale and start rolling your eyes to the right and then to the top, in a circular movement. When your eyes have reached the top, looking towards your eyebrows, start exhaling while moving your eyes left and downwards in a circular movement. Repeat three times.
8 Yoga Postures to get rid of dark circlesPrevious
Tags :
8 yoga postures and exercise to get rid of dark circle, eye exercise, yoga to brighten your dark circles, get rid of under-eye dark circles with yoga, eye exercise to cure from dark circle, how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, yogic postures to remove dark circles, fitness & exercise, ifairer

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