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8 Unexplained Creepy Mysteries of India

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 04-05-2018
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8 Unexplained Creepy Mysteries of India8 Unexplained Creepy Mysteries of India
8 Unexplained Creepy Mysteries of India, 8 unexplained creepy mysteries of india,  creepiest unsolved mysteries from india,  most mysterious places in india,  unusual things and places you won`t believe existed in india,  general,  ifairer
The twin village of Kodinhi...
The Kodinhi village in Kerala has the most strangely abnormal twin population. In a population of about 2000 villagers, there are said to be 350 pairs of identical twins. Scientists have yet to figure the reason behind high twinning ratio in this village.
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8 unexplained creepy mysteries of india, creepiest unsolved mysteries from india, most mysterious places in india, unusual things and places you won`t believe existed in india, general, ifairer

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