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8 Lies That Ruin Marriages!

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 17-02-2024
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8 Lies That Ruin Marriages!
8 Lies That Ruin Marriages!, marriage,  break ups,  relationship,  relationship advice,  relationship tips,  love,  romance,  lies in marriages,  ifairer
It's Too Broken
This is one of the lies that destroy marriage. If you have given up, the future looks hopeless, you have grown apart, can't manage conflict, made a mistake or whatever the problem, believe that God can work when you can't. He can change hearts, do miracles and work in the most difficult circumstances. He is the God of the possible.

Marriage Is A Contract
Yes, marriage is a legal contract, but in God's eyes it is much more than that. The truth is marriage is a covenant, an unbreakable promise. It is a life commitment. It means 'for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.' It means loving someone when you don't feel like it, staying faithful, and working through difficult and bad times.
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marriage, break ups, relationship, relationship advice, relationship tips, love, romance, lies in marriages, ifairer

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