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7 Weird Things Men Find Attractive in a Woman

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 05-07-2014
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7 Weird Things Men Find Attractive in a Woman
7 Weird Things Men Find Attractive in a Woman
 , 7 weird things men find attractive in a woman,  things men find attractive in a girl,  things men watches in her lady,  topics which a boyfriend loves in his girlfriend, seeing her undone,  her accent, seeing her afraid,  stretch marks,  camo,  glasses,  watching her apply makeup, things a guy watches in girl, what your guy loves in you,  things your guy sees in you,  things a husband sees in his wife
Watching her apply makeup

Did you know your guy likes watching you apply your makeup? It amazes him how precisely you can do this. Guys also seem to be astonished that every girl has her own style with the makeup.
7 Weird Things Men Find Attractive in a Woman
Tags :
7 weird things men find attractive in a woman, things men find attractive in a girl, things men watches in her lady, topics which a boyfriend loves in his girlfriend,seeing her undone, her accent,seeing her afraid, stretch marks, camo, glasses, watching her apply makeup,things a guy watches in girl,what your guy loves in you, things your guy sees in you, things a husband sees in his wife

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