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7 things he never want you to know!

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 10-03-2014
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7 things he never want you to know! 7 things he never want you to know!
7 things he never want you to know! , 7 things men never want you to know,  7 secrets he do not want to share with anyone,  men secrets,  things men hide from everyone,  men keeping secrets,  dating tips,  secrets of men,  relationship
Their Weaknesses

Contrary of what any man will say; all men are emotional and feel pain. It's just that we hide it better than women. I mean which man who has not cried watching the end scene of the movie 'Gladiator'?
Contrary of what any man will say; all men are emotional and feel pain. It's just that we hide it better than women. I mean which man who has not cried watching the end scene of the movie 'Gladiator'? So that's about it I guess. Men won't do any of it wilingly unless a woman is willing to barter it for some sex. But you ladies already knew that, didn't you?

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7 things men never want you to know, 7 secrets he do not want to share with anyone, men secrets, things men hide from everyone, men keeping secrets, dating tips, secrets of men, relationship

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